Jumat, 19 November 2010

Multivitamins For Your Child

The belief of most parents is that children are eating a fairly healthy diet and if not they give up and throw their hand up in the air. Parents then provide multivitamins. Now that they come in gumballs, gummi candies, cute animals, and cartoon character shapes, children think they are candy and giving vitamins is not a bad thing. If they are within a child's reach it is a serious problem because they could be taking them without your knowledge. At any suspicion that your child has taken too many call Poison Control immediately and get them to an emergency facility. Your child could become seriously ill or die from an overdose of a multivitamin with iron in it. It is vital to keep all manner of medication out of the reach of your children.
For the most part children get their vitamins from their diet but if you think they need them generic multivitamins are fine. If your child's special needs are an allergy to dairy products or that they won't eat them, the calcium must come from other sources. Consulting with your child's pediatrician will benefit your child. Even though your child's diet may not have been great this week all that is needed is one vitamin a day. If you get too much of one vitamin it could prevent others from being absorbed by the body. If your child for example gets an excess of calcium it could prevent the absorption of iron and other vitamins.
Children's food choices are not always healthy so you can expect to be giving your child vitamins well into their teens. Before you consider buying vitamins know that opinions vary regarding vitamins with iron for children. One premise is that, in fact, you be giving vitamins with iron. Vitamins with iron says another school of thought, under no circumstances should be given vitamins with iron. As an infant, it was my experience, that my child was iron deficient. My child's doctor put him on iron fortified vitamins and he's now healthy but always check with your doctor on this. Hemochromatosis is a disease caused by too much iron in the blood. The body can no longer utilize the iron and it is not washed out of the body easily. It may cause very serious health issues and even death.
An important part of your child's diet is calcium that helps to build strong bones and muscles. Calcium is a mineral. Eating ice cream, cheese, and yogurt as well as drinking milk will usually provide all the calcium your child needs from their diet. There are people who don't like dairy products and some who are allergic to them. Helping children get what they need is easy when you give them calcium fortified juices, cereals, and vitamins. Many children get sufficient fluoride from treated tap water and bottled war or using tooth paste. Do not administer fluoride supplements to your child without first checking with his doctor. Too much fluoride might permanently stain your child's teeth. This will defeat totally the purpose of treating water and using fluoridated toothpaste. An eyedropper is used to administer liquid infant multivitamins.
These drops usually have vitamins A, C, and D as well as added iron in them. They might contain other vitamins and minerals such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and vitamin B-12. Vitamins for children are available in chewable forms such as cartoon characters and animals. They now come in gummi candy and gumballs forms. If your child gives you difficulty with taking his vitamins, try getting him the gumballs or the gummi candy vitamins. Never leave your child unsupervised when s/he is taking his vitamins. My own child is given his vitamins rather than allow him to take them on his own. He might take it or not or he could take way too many.
Although vitamins for children can be a good thing, too much of a good thing could be fatal. It is vital that they are kept out of the reach of children. Giving your child vitamins may offset some of the effects of not always eating right. Your child's diet should not be adjusted without discussing it with his pediatrician, it's better to be safe than sorry. Vitamins with fun shapes are fine but because your child could think they are 'candy', they should be in a locked cabinet or kept well out of reach.
post : www.readbud.com/?ref=4090076

Kamis, 18 November 2010

Personality disorders

Personality disorders are chronic patterns of behavior that cause lasting problems with work and relationships. Paranoid personality disorder can result from negative childhood experiences fostered by a threatening domestic atmosphere. Narcissistic personality disorder may be an infantile, defensive personality structure in response to abuse and trauma, usually developing in early childhood or early adolescence. Childhood developmental factors and parenting behaviors that may contribute to the disorder: Narcissistic personality disorder, which is less common than other personality disorders, is estimated to affect less than 1 percent of the general population. Narcissistic personality disorder may be a maladaptive defense of the abused child's or adolescent's emotional splitting, resultant cognitive distortions, and negative/hostile worldview.

Causes of Paranoid Personality DisorderParanoid Personality Disorder, paranoid personality disorder symptoms, paranoid personality disorder causes, personality disorder paranoid, schizoid personality disorder

Common Causes and Risk factors of Paranoid Personality Disorder Schizophrenia Genetic contribution.

If you are in a relationship with a person that exhibits some of these symptoms, it is important to remember that there is help available. In a relationship, people with pathological jealousy in paranoid personality disorder will often accuse their significant other of cheating or other suspicious activity. The accusations can be set off by the smallest event or it can be totally unprovoked. When this happens, it is vital to consider the fact that this condition is something that affects the brain and might not necessarily represent that person's true identity.

Most people with this illness have periodic episodes, called relapses, when their symptoms surface. Many individuals with schizoaffective disorder are originally diagnosed with manic depression. Schizoaffective disorder is more common in women than in men. Men with schizoaffective disorder tend to exhibit antisocial traits and behavior in contrast to other personality traits. In addition, the age of onset is later for women than for men, and the exact etiology and epidemiology is unclear because of limited research in this area. Estimates of the prevalence of schizoaffective disorder vary widely, but schizoaffective manic patients appear to comprise 3-5% of psychiatric admissions to typical clinical centers.

Symptoms of paranoid personality disorders include:

'¢ Emotional detachment;

'¢ Feelings of anger toward others;

'¢ Believing that people are trying to harm you in some way;

Most personality disordered people are prone to be angry. Their anger is always sudden, raging, frightening and without an apparent provocation by an outside agent. It would seem that people suffering from personality disorders are in a CONSTANT state of anger, which is effectively suppressed most of the time. It manifests itself only when the person's defences are down, incapacitated, or adversely affected by circumstances, inner or external.

We have pointed at the psychodynamic source of this permanent, bottled-up anger, elsewhere in this book. In a nutshell, the patient was, usually, unable to express anger and direct it at "forbidden" targets in his early, formative years (his parents, in most cases). The anger, however, was a justified reaction to abuses and mistreatment. The patient was, therefore, left to nurture a sense of profound injustice and frustrated rage.

Family therapy can significantly decrease relapse rates for the schizoaffective family member. In high-stress families, schizophenic patients given standard aftercare relapse 50-60% of the time in the first year out of hospital. Supportive family therapy can reduce this relapse rate to below 10 percent.

post : in Diseases and Conditions www.readbud.com/?ref=4090076

Senin, 15 November 2010

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